Romero Flats Ranch
Logan, New Mexico

General Description
The Romero Flats Ranch is located approximately 14 miles west of Logan, NM in Quay and Harding counties and consists of 1146.88 deeded acres and 79.82 acres of NM State Land.

The majority of the soil is loam, sandy loam, and gravelly loam. The terrain is level to gently
sloping and undulating with portions of the ranch rolling to hilly. Runoff is slow to medium with rapid runoff on the hilly soils. Wind and water erosion is moderate.
Vegetation is composed primarily of Black Grama with Blue Grama, Tobosa, Sand dropseed and
Three Awn grass with a Mesquite overstory. Potential climax vegetation in the Sandy, Shallow
Sandstone, Loamy, Hills, and Shallow range sites is 45-65% grama grass species i.e. blue, black, sideoats, and hairy grama. Other potential grass species include little bluestem, western wheat, New Mexico feathergrass.

Range Improvements
Range improvements consist of 3 windmills of which one is in working condition. This well is 130 ft deep. One well, at 66 ft in depth, has gone dry and another well, at 200 ft in depth, is a weak producer and is currently not in use.
Perimeter fencing is generally in fair to good condition. A section of the east boundary fence is in poor condition due to lack of maintenance.

Annual precipitation is 15.8 inches and annual snowfall is 4.3 inches. Temperature will range from an average of 42 degrees in the winter to an average 94 degrees in the summer.

Estimated Property Tax: $76.36
Price: $573.000 ($500 per acre)