Are you looking to buy a farm, ranch or other rural property in New Mexico?
Buyinga farm, ranch or other rural property requires knowledge in at least some of these; land values, leases, 1031 tax deferred exchanges, livestock and farm production, real estate laws, water rights, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the area. I keep up on all issues pertaining to land ownership in New Mexico, including public lands (Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Grass Lands, State lands etc.) mineral and water rights, range stewardship, conservation easements, wildlife habitat and hunting, as well as other legal and regulatory issues that affect New Mexico land owners. I'm here to assist you with this.

Call Tom today - 575-403-6903
I will help you find a property that will fit your needs, likes, wants and, your wallet. If we don't have a listed property that fits your need, we will look elsewhere in order to find what you are looking for, and if successful, we will represent your interests, and show you the property.
Honesty, integrity and truthfulness are our core values in every aspect of our lives. That’s how we both were raised, that’s how we live, and that’s how we run the business.
I am also a life-long rancher and have been practicing holistic range management principles successfully for over 40 years and would be glad to talk to you about it.